Small Business Services

Start Up

Every small business starts with a dream. The dream turns into reality starting with a sound business plan, financial projections and establishing your brand. Your business plan and financial projections serve as the blueprint to build your business and your brand is the image that introduces you to the public. We can assist in building your narrative, numbers and image. And when it comes to your logo, colors, fonts and Website, let the creative within shine.

Financial Analysis

Numbers tell a story and not all business owners have the time or background to manage the business and the financials. In other scenarios, a business owner may be financially savvy but lacks the independent mindset to transform the numbers into strategy. I focus on the income statement to drive discussions and decisions regarding income growth, expense reductions, cashflow management and business trends. If you need bookkeeping services using Quickbooks we can support on a limited or ongoing basis for an all inclusive financial support package.

Marketing Strategy

It takes the average consumer 5 to 7 exposures to your brand before they become familiar. So marketing is a critical strategy whether your business is new or mature. With small business, the priority is to select the best marketing channels for your brand and focus on doing as much as we can with your budget. Don’t be alarmed. Many powerful marketing channels can be free or cost very little. You just need to know where to look!

Email Marketing & Marketing Automation

When you invest in marketing, you want to know that every dollar spent is making a difference. For every $1.00 you spend on email marketing, you can expect an average return of $36. According to 80% of professionals, email marketing drives customer acquisition and retention. And 60% of consumers say they have made a purchase as a result of a marketing email they received. A further 30% of professionals said the biggest benefit of marketing automation was the time it saved them. A small business owner can build a robust email marketing campaign for under $10 a month. Three Ridges, LLC is a strategic partner with Constant Contact, one of the nation’s leading Email Service Providers, “(ESP)”. To learn more, contact me or get started today by clicking the Constant Contact icon.

One of the main reasons a small business owner hires an Advisor is for project management. Generally, projects are specific, short term in nature, critical to the operational success of the business and the business lacks the staff and experience to fully implement. Utilizing an Advisor offers flexibility, expertise and efficiency and can be deployed as needed. Project Management should keep your project on budget, on schedule, maintain control, establish accountability and document actionable insights. In short, experience when you need it, as long or brief as you need it and within your budget.

Project Management

Website Design and Admin

The goal of a Website Designer is to take a company’s visual and written content and organize it in a way that tells a story. Focus is on the user experience to create a great first impression on the homepage, easy page navigation and always consider the functionality of a desktop and mobile experience. Website admin or maintenance is ongoing. The site’s visual and written content should be relevant and current. You should also look at any new elements offered by your hosting platform that might enhance your brand. And promptly fix broken links. Lastly, as a rule of thumb, a company should redesign their Website every two to three years.